About us

The Loyola Institute of Science and Technology is a tool aimed to serve Society and Industry through researching, innovating and educating in Science and Technology for Intelligent Energy Systems (IES), preserving the Environment, minimizing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting sustainable development, combating climate change, improving energy efficiency, increasing the competitiveness of the Industry, stimulating a responsible energy culture in the Society and respecting the values of the Society of Jesus.

LOYOLA.Tech works enthusiastically onwards to be renowned as:
An international research pole in the field of the IES.
A pool of talent equipped with unique research facilities.
A leading-edge research generator meeting the needs of Industry and Society.
An instrument that brings education beyond the limits of conventional academic areas.
A socially outreach institution from the perspective of Science and Technology.
A technology incubator for startups and entrepreneurial communities in the field of IES.

The IES research programme is based on three main areas:
The Computational Intelligence (CI) area develops artificial intelligence based methods. This area provides methodological foundations to face up research challenges such as making decisions in energy system affected by potential uncertainties, forecasting production of renewable energy sources, envisaging consumers’ behaviour, and detecting failures and attacks in smart grids.
The Smart Power (SP) area enables an efficient and reliable realization of ‘computerized’ energy systems, which entails new communications, control and automation capabilities in energy grids, heterogeneous energy sources, decentralised generation models, active consumers, energy storage capabilities, large-scale energy interconnections, flexibility and services markets, as well as cross-jurisdictional energy regulatory structures.
The Energy Science (ES) area develops new cutting-edge energy technologies meeting the requirements of cleanliness, efficiency, and availability. This area also designs efficient storage solutions aimed to allow the optimal and flexible usage of energy by following a multidisciplinary approach involving chemists, physics, materials scientists.




LOYOLA.Tech conducts relevant international research projects in the area modern power systems, which are conducted by highly specialized senior and junior researchers, as well as by PhD fellows.
Among the research lines currently championed in this area, it might be highlighted the ones focused on:
Integrating energy storage in electricity transmission systems for improving its performance and reliability.
Designing intelligent systems for interconnecting smart grids and conventional electrical infrastructures.
Optimizing power flows in electricity distribution systems for increasing penetration of solar power.
Developing high-performance and cost-effective batteries bases on advanced materials.
Integrating key enabling technologies in intelligent buildings for improving their energy efficiency.

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