I finished my undergraduate studies in Mathematics in 2017 and obtained an MSc in Logic, Computation and Artificial Intelligence in 2018 at the University of Sevilla. Then, I began my research career with a young researcher position funded by the European Fund 2014-20 at the University of Sevilla and obtained my PhD in 2021 under the supervisión of Prof. Rocío González Díaz and Prof. Miguel Ángel Gutiérrez Naranjo. My thesis was devoted to topology-aware data reduction in the context of Machine Learning, as well as theoretical approaches from a Computational Topology perspective to the universal approximation capabilities of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and their robustness against adversarial examples by defining a new flavour of ANN based on simplicial maps. From October 2019 to December 2024, I held a substitute teaching position at the Applied Math I department at the University of Sevilla. In the summer of 2023, I did research stays at Kyushu University and Kyoto University, both in Japan. My research is mainly devoted to ANNs and Computational Topology. Since January 2024, I have been an Assistant Professor at the Universidad Loyola (Campus Sevilla). I have participated in three national and one European project (Rexasi-Pro).
Publicación |
Trainable and explainable simplicial map neural networks PALUZO HIDALGO, EDUARDO, Gonzalez-Diaz R. , Gutiérrez-Naranjo M.A. 01/01/2024 Article |
A Survey of Vectorization Methods in Topological Data Analysis Ali, Dashti , Asaad, Aras , Jimenez, Maria-Jose , Nanda, Vidit , PALUZO HIDALGO, EDUARDO, Soriano-Trigueros, Manuel 01/12/2023 Article |
Strong Euler well-composedness Boutry, Nicolas , Gonzalez-Diaz, Rocio , Jimenez, Maria-Jose , PALUZO HIDALGO, EDUARDO 01/11/2022 Article |
Topology-based representative datasets to reduce neural network training resources Gonzalez-Diaz, Rocio , Gutierrez-Naranjo, Miguel A. , PALUZO HIDALGO, EDUARDO 01/09/2022 Article |
Emotion recognition in talking-face videos using persistent entropy and neural networks PALUZO HIDALGO, EDUARDO, Gonzalez-Diaz, Rocio , Aguirre-Carrazana, Guillermo 01/01/2022 Article |
Optimizing the Simplicial-Map Neural Network Architecture PALUZO HIDALGO, EDUARDO, Gonzalez-Diaz, Rocio , Gutierrez-Naranjo, Miguel A. , Heras, Jonathan 01/09/2021 Article |
Simplicial-Map Neural Networks Robust to Adversarial Examples PALUZO HIDALGO, EDUARDO, Gonzalez-Diaz, Rocio , Gutierrez-Naranjo, Miguel A. , Heras, Jonathan 01/01/2021 Article |
Neural-Network-Based Curve Fitting Using Totally Positive Rational Bases Gonzalez-Diaz, Rocio , Mainar, E. , PALUZO HIDALGO, EDUARDO, Rubio, B. 01/12/2020 Article |
Two-hidden-layer feed-forward networks are universal approximators: A constructive approach PALUZO HIDALGO, EDUARDO, Gonzalez-Diaz, Rocio , Gutierrez-Naranjo, Miguel A. 01/11/2020 Article |
Approximating lower-star persistence via 2D combinatorial map simplification Damiand, Guillaume , PALUZO HIDALGO, EDUARDO, Slechta, Ryan , Gonzalez-Diaz, Rocio 01/03/2020 Article |
Publicación |
Algebraically-informed deep networks for associative evolution algebras Fernández-Ternero , Gómez-Sousa , Núñez-Valdes , PALUZO HIDALGO, EDUARDO 01/04/2024 Abstract de un Congreso |
Application of the Representative Measure Approach to Assess the Reliability of Decision Trees in Dealing with Unseen Vehicle Collision Data Perera-Lago J. , Toscano-Duran V. , PALUZO HIDALGO, EDUARDO, Narteni S. , Rucco M. 01/01/2024 Conference Paper |
Towards Emotion Recognition: A Persistent Entropy Application González Díaz, Rocío , PALUZO HIDALGO, EDUARDO, Quesada Moreno, José Francisco 24/01/2019 Ponencia del Congreso |
Towards Emotion Recognition: A Persistent Entropy Application Gonzalez-Diaz, Rocio , PALUZO HIDALGO, EDUARDO, Quesada, Jose F. 01/01/2019 Proceedings Paper |
Aplicaciones de la topología a las redes neuronales PALUZO HIDALGO, EDUARDO 16/10/2018 Ponencia del Congreso |
Neural Networks and Topology PALUZO HIDALGO, EDUARDO 11/09/2018 Ponencia del Congreso |
Proyecto externo |
Topología Computacional para el ahorro de energía y la optimización de métodos de aprendizaje profundo para alcanzar soluciones verdes de Inteligencia Artificial Fecha de inicio del proyecto: 01/12/2022 |
REliable & eXplAinable Swarm Intelligence for People with Reduced mObility Fecha de inicio del proyecto: 01/10/2022 |
Advances in topics on computational topology and its relationship with neural networks Fecha de inicio del proyecto: 05/10/2021 |
Advances in Topología Computacional y Aplicaciones Fecha de inicio del proyecto: 01/06/2020 |