Título Autonomous Vehicles and Liability Law
Publicación externa No
Medio Am. J. Comp. Law
Alcance Article
Naturaleza Científica
Cuartil JCR 2
Cuartil SJR 3
Impacto JCR 1.5
Impacto SJR 0.159
Fecha de publicacion 21/10/2022
ISI 000835768100001
DOI 10.1093/ajcl/avac015
Abstract Mobility provided by autonomous vehicles (AVs) has become a trending topic in modern society, an object of debate all over the world.1 Experts estimate that the introduction of "self-driving" or autonomous vehicles onto public roadways will result in as much as an 80% to 90% decrease in accidents.2 These estimates reflect the fact that over 40% of fatal crashes presently are due to alcohol or drug consumption, distraction, or fatigue. The remaining accidents happen because of speeding, aggressive driving, overcompensation, inexperience, slow reaction times, inattention, and various other driver shortcomings. Consequently, human driver error accounts for over 90% of all accidents. AVs, on the other hand, neither drink nor write text messages when driving. They employ a program precluding them from breaking traffic laws. They have faster reaction times and can be optimized to ease the flow of traffic. © 2022 Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.
Miembros de la Universidad Loyola

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