In 2009, he embarked on his studies in Criminology influenced by the Terradillos Basoco\'s School, being graduated in Criminology and Security in 2015 at the University of Cadiz . His strong interest in values led him to focus on Human Rights, starting with a period of study at Europe-Universität Viadrina (Germany), followed by pursuing an LLM in International Human Rights Law at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). At the UOC, he assumed the role of a tutor for the Degree in Criminology and became an associate professor in Correctional law and Penology.He worked in Penitentiary Institutions for fifteen years , during which he held positions at various levels, including some in the Headquarters and as an Educator in a prison. This experience at the forefront served as a foundation for his scientific output, influenced by other colleagues and researchers on prison issues. As a result, he became a staunch advocate for the employability of Criminology graduates, not only within the prison system but also in other sectors. This dedication and passion led to his appointment as the President of the Professional Association of Criminology of Andalusia in 2020.He is a member of several scientific forums , including the Spanish Society of Criminology (SEIC), specifically its Criminal and Alternative Sanctions working group. He is also a member of the Spanish Law-Making Policy Group, led by Díez Ripollés and Becerra Muñoz. Futhermore, he is affiliated with the European Society of Criminology and actively he participates in its Criminal Law-Making Policy ESC Working Group. In 2022, he had the honor of being a Visiting Scholar at the International Institute for the Sociology of Law.Unsatisfied with the practices within the prison system, he made the decision to dedicate himself to knowledge. Initially, he published several works in the fields of Criminology, Jurisprudence and Philosophy . Subsequently, he embarked on an interdisciplinary doctoral thesis under the guidance of Full Professor Acale Sánchez, leading to the successful completion of his Ph.D. on Social and Legal Sciences (Criminology) in 2021 . The following year, he was employed as a lecturer and researcher at Loyola University . He imparts lectures on subjects as Crime and Social Control, and Criminal Policy. Additionally, he actively participates as a member of the Migrations research group. He is also the Secretary of the Law Department.Moreover, on a national level, he is a full member of the research project IUS-MACHINA/TED2021-129356B-I00/MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/NextGenerationEU/PRTR (PI Miró-Llinares) on Criminal Justice System (CJS) and Artificial Intelligent (AI). His last article, currently under peer review, focuses on prison risk algorithms.
Publicación |
Validez laboral del título antiguo de Criminología en prisiones y en la policía. Nivel educativo y diferencias FANEGA GUIJARRO, MANUEL 26/10/2018 Article |
Jurisprudencia del TEDH: ¿Derecho a tratamiento penitenciario? FANEGA GUIJARRO, MANUEL 01/01/2018 Article |
Disclosing the TVR Prison Algorithm FRESNEDA PORTILLO, CARLOS, FANEGA GUIJARRO, MANUEL, Beltrán Camacho, Álvaro Article |
Publicación |
Evaluability assessment of the quality of the prison agency on custodial sanctions FANEGA GUIJARRO, MANUEL 21/09/2022 - 24/09/2022 Abstract de un Congreso |
Evaluabilidad de la Calidad de la Administración\r\nPenitenciaria en lo Relativo a la Pena de Prisión FANEGA GUIJARRO, MANUEL 14/09/2021 - 16/09/2021 Ponencia del Congreso |
A Inserção do/a Criminólogo/a no Sistema Prisional FANEGA GUIJARRO, MANUEL 01/05/2017 - 31/05/2017 Ponencia del Congreso |
Clemency in Spain: analysis and effective alternatives FANEGA GUIJARRO, MANUEL 21/09/2016 - 24/09/2016 Ponencia del Congreso |
Women’s rights in North-Africa FANEGA GUIJARRO, MANUEL 03/11/2014 - 11/11/2014 Ponencia del Congreso |
Capítulos y libros |
Gender-based violence: a remedy case triggered by the CEDAW Committee 01/07/2019 Capítulo de un Libro |
La idoneidad del criminólogo en la Administración penitenciaria 17/10/2016 Libro Completo |
Proyecto externo |
IusMachina: Sobre las bases normativas y el impacto real de la utilización de algoritmos predictivos en los ámbitos judicial y penitenciario Fecha de inicio del proyecto: 16/12/2022 |