Degree in social work and Master in social policies and services, she is currently developing a research work as research assistant in the VRIME project of the Department of Law and Criminology at Universidad Loyola Andalucía, which focuses on the study and the building of a risk assessment tool for unaccompanied foreign minors in Andalusia. She is currently working on her doctoral thesis on the field of unaccompanied foreign minors from a gender and human rights perspective. Moreover, she is a member of the working group on Migration. The previous research experience has been focused on the field of juvenile justice, specifically on the comparison of the Italian and Spanish juvenile justice systems with a focus on probation measures for juvenile offenders. As part of her training activity at the University LA SAPIENZA in Rome, she has been the beneficiary of an international scholarship from the University of Rome and another scholarship Leonardo da Vinci from the European Funds. Thanks to both of them, she developed her first research titled "The treatment of juvenile offenders in Juvenile Justice in Italy and Spain: Social Services in probation measures". These studies and experiences have allowed her to attend and participate in some international events and visiting periods abroad to exchange good practices with minors at risk of social exclusion.
Publicación |
Is there a gender-based analysis of unaccompanied migrant minors? A systematic review of the evidence AVIGNONE, TATIANA, FERNÁNDEZ PACHECO ALISES, GLORIA, TORRES JIMÉNEZ, MERCEDES 11/11/2023 Article |
Publicación |
En el interés superior del menor: un estudio sobre los menores migrantes no acompañados desde la puerta de la entrada a España AVIGNONE, TATIANA, KUBICA, MARIA LUBOMIRA, IBÁÑEZ RUIZ DEL PORTAL, EDUARDO, TORRES JIMÉNEZ, MERCEDES 16/10/2023 - 17/10/2023 Ponencia del Congreso |
Human Rights and digitalisation: a toolkit in the risk assessment of\r\nunaccompanied migrant minors in Spain AVIGNONE, TATIANA, FERNÁNDEZ PACHECO ALISES, GLORIA, TORRES JIMÉNEZ, MERCEDES 05/12/2022 - 06/12/2022 Ponencia del Congreso |
Las migraciones de los menores extranjeros no acompañados: enfoque de derechos humanos y de genero dentro de la Agenda 2030 AVIGNONE, TATIANA, FERNÁNDEZ PACHECO ALISES, GLORIA, Aveledo Ruiz, Juan Manuel , Chavez Peinado, Almudena 09/11/2022 - 11/11/2022 Ponencia del Congreso |
Gender, social exclusion and digitalization: a toolkit in the risk assessment of unaccompanied migrant girls AVIGNONE, TATIANA, FERNÁNDEZ PACHECO ALISES, GLORIA, TORRES JIMÉNEZ, MERCEDES 21/09/2022 - 24/09/2022 Ponencia del Congreso |
Género, derechos humanos y digitalización:\r\nuna herramienta digital en la evaluación de riesgos en menores migrantes no acompañados AVIGNONE, TATIANA, FERNÁNDEZ PACHECO ALISES, GLORIA 20/06/2022 Ponencia del Congreso |
Capítulos y libros |
Las migraciones de los menores extranjeros no acompañados: enfoque de derechos humanos y de genero dentro de la Agenda 2030 10/11/2023 Capítulo de un Libro |
La intervención con menores migrantes acogidos en Andalucía: aprendizajes desde la experiencia. 16/06/2023 Libro Completo |
Género, derechos humanos y digitalización: una herramienta digital en la evaluación del riesgo en menores migrantes no acompañados 22/06/2022 Capítulo de un Libro |
Proyecto |
Evaluación de proyectos de ocio educativo desde el enfoque de la educación intercultural que generan una mayor cohesión social Proyecto 01/09/2024 Importe: 4900 € Investigador Principal: EIDER MUNIATEGUI AZCONA |
VRIME: Herramienta de valoración de riesgos en menores extranjeros acogidos en Andalucía Proyecto 29/04/2021 Importe: 197449.73 € Investigador Principal: GLORIA FERNÁNDEZ PACHECO ALISES |