Título Decolonising Development: Research, Teaching and Practice
Abreviado DecolDEV
Área de gestión Proyecto
Comienzo 01/09/2020
Abstract The DecolDEV COST Action dedicates its activities to building and strengthening a vibrant, diverse and inclusive pan-European network on the question of “Decolonising Development”. It provides a space for participants to jointly develop their ideas and build new initiatives in a way that is bottom-up and driven by scientific excellence. The Action will provide a basis for future collaboration of the involved researchers within the Horizon Europe scheme. The network of proposers already reflects the principles of transdisciplinary, diversity and inclusivity as well as the pronounced objective for capacity building, especially targeted at early career investigators and colleagues from Inclusiveness Target Countries. At the time of proposal submission, the proposal for the DecolDEV COST Action was jointly developed and endorsed by 29 proposers, 9 of which are Early Career scientists. The Network of Proposers includes scholars from 12 COST member countries, including 6 ITC (Czech Republic, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary). Inclusion of colleagues from Eastern Europe into research networks is especially important as academic freedom in several of these countries is increasingly coming under threat. The involved participants bring academic excellence and a proven track-record of high-impact publications in the field. With 12 COST member countries involved so far, the Action’s even geographical distribution is ensured. Interests and expertise of the 29 secondary proposers is spread over several academic disciplines (agricultural and environmental sciences, economics, education, geography, geosciences, political sciences, psychology, philosophy, sociology, international relations) and thereby insures inclusive inter- and transdisciplinary research collaboration.
Entidad financiadora COMISIÓN EUROPEA
Unidad Programa de Doctorado en Desarrollo Inclusivo y Sostenible
Social Matters
Instituto de Investigación en Políticas para la Transformación Social
Departamento de Estudios Internacionales
Estudios de Desarrollo
Investigador Principal

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