Título Application of Max Flow- Min Cut Theory To Find The Best Placement Of Electronic-based DC-PFCs For Enhancing Static Security In MT-HVDC Meshed Grids
Autores Pourmirasghariyan M. , Milimonfared J. , Yazdi S.S.H. , Biglo A.H.A. , ROUZBEHI, KUMARS
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Medio 2022 30th International Conference On Electrical Engineering, Icee 2022
Alcance Conference Paper
Naturaleza Científica
Web https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85135685069&doi=10.1109%2fICEE55646.2022.9827114&partnerID=40&md5=cde4ad78328c394bd57e01f66bc70ea0
Fecha de publicacion 01/01/2022
Scopus Id 2-s2.0-85135685069
DOI 10.1109/ICEE55646.2022.9827114
Abstract This paper proposes an approach for selecting an optimal placement and control variable setting by finding the worst contingencies for the recently proposed Interline Direct Current Power Flow Controller (IDC-PFC) in MultiTerminal High-Voltage DC (MT-HVDC) Grids based on Max Flow- Min Cut Theory. It is for Optimal PFCs\' placements that purposes to optimize the maximum capacities of the transmission grid. Optimal settings for finding the most critical HVDC lines in a meshed grid and deciding where to place the PFC afterward. The controllable Voltage Source Converters (VSC)s are computed by applying a sequential quadratic programming solver in MatLab to the developed security-based DC optimal power flow problem including several corrective constraints. © 2022 IEEE.
Palabras clave Electric power system control; Electric power transmission networks; HVDC power transmission; MATLAB; Power control; Quadratic programming; Congestion; Control variable; DC-PFC; Max-flow min-cut; Multiterminal high voltage DC; Multiterminal high-voltage DC grieds; Optimal controls; Optimal placements; Performance indices; Static security; Electric load flow
Miembros de la Universidad Loyola

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