Title |
Activism and gamification narratives: comparative study of cyber-democratic environments for citizen empowerment |
Authors |
External publication |
No |
Means |
Cic-Cuadernos De Informacion Y Comunicacion |
Scope |
Article |
Nature |
Científica |
Publication date |
01/01/2019 |
000494829400003 |
10.5209/ciyc.64842 |
Abstract |
The main objective of this study is focused on understanding whether\n gamification narratives can represent a useful tool for citizen\n empowerment with which to motivate individual participation in\n cyber-democratic environments. Regarding this purpose, a representative\n group of two gamification products with an activist undertone have been\n selected: the interactive documentary "Fort McMoney" and the serous game\n "A Force More Powerful". Then, this research has applied a qualitative\n methodology that combines the Octalysis model (Chou, 2015) and the\n Ladder of participation paradigm (Amstein, 1969). The results show that\n gamification narratives are a tool for citizen empowerment and favour\n cyber-activist actions. However, these projects can lead into a\n pseudo-activism for lazy people as well. |
Keywords |
Civic participation; Cyber-democracy; Gamification narratives; Play; Civic empowerment; Activism; Gamification |
Universidad Loyola members |