Title Do different versions of the same instrument capture the same? An illustration with the two, eight and nine items versions of the Patient Health Questionnaire for assessing major depression in Primary Health Care
Authors GÓMEZ GÓMEZ, IRENE, BENÍTEZ BAENA, ISABEL, Bellón, Juan , Moreno Peral, Patricia , Oliván, Bárbara , Clavería, Ana , Zabaleta, Edurne , LLovera, Joan , Serrano Ripoll, María J , Tamayo, Olaya , MOTRICO MARTINEZ, EMMA
External publication No
Means 10th European Congress of Methodology
Scope Ponencia del Congreso
Area International
Event 10th European Congress of Methodology
Start date 10/07/2023
End date 13/07/2023
Universidad Loyola members

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