Title Hierarchical adaptive nanostructured PVD coatings for extreme tribological applications: The quest for nonequilibrium states and emergent behavior
Authors Fox-Rabinovich G.S. , Yamamoto K. , Beake B.D. , Gershman I.S. , Kovalev A.I. , Veldhuis S.C. , Aguirre M.H. , Dosbaeva G. , ENDRINO ARMENTEROS, JOSÉ LUIS
External publication Si
Scope Review
Nature Científica
JCR Quartile 1
SJR Quartile 1
JCR Impact 3.752
SJR Impact 1.682
Web https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84866335625&doi=10.1088%2f1468-6996%2f13%2f4%2f043001&partnerID=40&md5=54d89c6dcf3cfabb576ad01e48b7975c
Publication date 01/01/2012
ISI 000310526100001
Scopus Id 2-s2.0-84866335625
DOI 10.1088/1468-6996/13/4/043001
Abstract Adaptive wear-resistant coatings produced by physical vapor deposition (PVD) are a relatively new generation of coatings which are attracting attention in the development of nanostructured materials for extreme tribological applications. An excellent example of such extreme operating conditions is high performance machining of hard-to-cut materials. The adaptive characteristics of such coatings develop fully during interaction with the severe environment. Modern adaptive coatings could be regarded as hierarchical surface-engineered nanostructural materials. They exhibit dynamic hierarchy on two major structural scales: (a) nanoscale surface layers of protective tribofilms generated during friction and (b) an underlying nano/microscaled layer. The tribofilms are responsible for some critical nanoscale effects that strongly impact the wear resistance of adaptive coatings. A new direction in nanomaterial research is discussed: compositional and microstructural optimization of the dynamically regenerating nanoscaled tribofilms on the surface of the adaptive coatings during friction. In this review we demonstrate the correlation between the microstructure, physical, chemical and micromechanical properties of hard coatings in their dynamic interaction (adaptation) with environment and the involvement of complex natural processes associated with self-organization during friction. Major physical, chemical and mechanical characteristics of the adaptive coating, which play a significant role in its operating properties, such as enhanced mass transfer, and the ability of the layer to provide dissipation and accumulation of frictional energy during operation are presented as well. Strategies for adaptive nanostructural coating design that enhance beneficial natural processes are outlined. The coatings exhibit emergent behavior during operation when their improved features work as a whole. In this way, as higher-ordered systems, they achieve multifunctionality and high wear resistance under extreme tribological conditions. © 2012 National Institute for Materials Science.
Keywords Adaptive materials; Dissipative structure; Emergent behaviors; Hierarchical materials; Multifunctionality; Nano-laminates; PVD coatings; self-organization; Surface engineering; Friction; Hard coatings; Laminates; Nanostructured materials; Surface phenomena; Wear resistance; Tribology
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