Title On Data Reutilization for Historian Based Predictive Control
Authors Maestre J.M. , Masero E. , SALVADOR ORTIZ, JOSÉ RAMÓN, Ramirez D.R. , Zhu Q.
External publication No
Means Ieee Conference On Decision And Control
Scope Conference Paper
Nature Científica
SJR Impact 0.721
Web https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85146990661&doi=10.1109%2fCDC51059.2022.9992531&partnerID=40&md5=477fc89971ff8d8d446d23c9a42f1e89
Publication date 01/01/2023
ISI 000948128100061
Scopus Id 2-s2.0-85146990661
DOI 10.1109/CDC51059.2022.9992531
Abstract This paper presents a robust finite-horizon control scheme based on data that produces feasible control sequences. The scheme makes use of a database that includes information from prior experiences of the same and others controllers handling similar systems. By the convex combination of feasible histories plus an auxiliary control law that deals with uncertainties, this scheme can be used as a robust historian-based predictive controller. Further application could include a cooperative learning-based strategy in which multiple controllers share their previous executions to gain collective benefits in terms of performance. The validity of the proposed controller is tested in a simulated case study. © 2022 IEEE.
Keywords History; Cloud-based; Cloud-based control; Control schemes; Control sequences; Data based controls; Finite horizons; Horizon control; Predictive control; Prior experience; Re-utilization; Controllers
Universidad Loyola members

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