Title Skills for managing work from home scale (SMWFHS)
Authors Miranda, Lisa , BARROS MARTINS, LARA, Abbad, Gardênia , Legentil, Juliana , Mourao, Luciana
External publication No
Means Revista de Administracao Publica
Scope Article
Nature Científica
SJR Quartile 2
Publication date 28/06/2024
ISI 001278296100001
DOI https://doi.org/10.1590/0034-761220230255
Abstract This study developed and tested the validity of a scale that measures skills for managing work from home, such as: informing change, searching for information, establishing priorities, setting and adapting goals, assessing work outputs, distributing tasks, and offering feedback. Participants were 2,038 managers from three Brazilian public organizations. Exploratory, confirmatory, and multigroup factor analyses revealed an 8-item unidimensional structure, excellent reliability indices, and goodness of fit, besides invariance for gender and age groups. The short scale permits testing research models with multiple variables, comparative (voluntary vs. compulsory telework), and cross-cultural studies.
Keywords work from home; telework; management; scale; validation
Universidad Loyola members

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