Título Effectiveness of a psychodramatic intervention focused on parent-adolescent relationships: The role of emotional attention in adolescents with problem behaviour
Autores Nogales I. , Lanzarote M.D. , Hidalgo V. , MAYA SEGURA, JESÚS MANUEL, Jiménez L.
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Fecha de publicacion 01/01/2021
Scopus Id 2-s2.0-85117185919
Abstract Adolescence is a developmental period characterised by numerous biological, psychological and social changes. If these changes are accompanied by adjustment problems, difficulties may arise in different areas of the adolescent\'s and their family\'s lives. Scene-Based Psychodramatic Family Therapy (SB-PFT) aims to improve family relationships and reduce problematic behaviour among adolescents with problem behaviour. The intervention is based on the theoretical and methodological principles of systemic therapy and psychodrama. We analyse the role played by emotional attention (EA) as a predictor variable for the effectiveness of SB-PFT, in order to assess the efficiency of the intervention. The two specific aims are: (1) to analyse the relationship between emotional attention and the dimensions of emotional intelligence, parental attachment and peer attachment; and (2) to assess the differential impact of SB-PFT on the various dimensions of adjustment (emotional intelligence and parental and peer attachment) in accordance with adolescents\' attention levels. Participants were 109 adolescents with problem behaviour enrolled in Child Welfare Services and 107 of their classmates from the same schools. The design was quasi-experimental with parallel groups assessed at pretest and posttest. The results reveal significant differences in some dimensions in accordance with EA levels. Specifically, differences were found in interpersonal intelligence, adaptability, general mood, communication with parents and peers and trust in peers, and were mainly between low and high levels of EA. In relation to the effectiveness of SB-PFT in accordance with EA, participating in SB-PFT was found to improve interpersonal intelligence among adolescents with low or medium EA levels. It was also found to increase adaptability, general mood and trust in parents among adolescents with low EA levels. The results demonstrate the differential effectiveness of SB-PFT in accordance with EA, with the intervention having a greater impact on adolescents with low initial EA levels. These findings suggest that EA is a relevant dimension to take into account in interventions targeted at adolescents with problem behaviour. Â © 2021 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Palabras clave Effectiveness; Efficiency; Emotional attention; Family therapy; Problem behaviour; Psychodrama
Miembros de la Universidad Loyola

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