Abstract |
According to the results of the Edelman Trust Barometer, in 2022, post-pandemic, citizens have lost trust in businesses, governments, NGOs and the media. Faced with this, and without a trusted source of leadership that users can turn to, many influencers have decided to take advantage of their TikTok channels to educate society and, above all, young people -who are mainly informed through social networks. Thus, influencers act as information references and the new journalists for the so-called Z generation. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyse, through a mixed methodology-quantitative and qualitative-, the activity of seven information disseminating influencers on TikTok. These seven accounts were selected because they are particularly well-known in Spain and popular for their literacy power: @charleyokei, @doctorfision, @cienciascomportamiento, @ farmaceuticofernandez, @lawtips, @ladyscience, and @raquelmascaraque. The results obtained shed light on the audience\'s reactions to the discursive strategies and informational intentions of each profile. In conclusion, we observed that the narrative and audiovisual strategies, among other parameters, used by each influencer in their videos determine not only the positive reactions and comments from subscribers, but also the degree of identification of young people from generation Z with these informational references on TikTok. |