I started my academic career at the Department of Movement and Sports Sciences of Ghent University in September 2009, and began my doctoral research as part of the muscoLOW-project in January 2010. This doctoral research focused on the epidemiology, etiology and prevention of sports injuries among Physical Education Teacher Education students. As part of this project, I developed, implemented and evaluated a prevention program for Physical Education Teacher Education students. I successfully defended my PhD-thesis in November 2015. From March 2015 to February 2016, I provided scientific services for the Flemish Society of Sports Medicine, a role in which I realized steps 1-5 of the Translating Research into Prevention Practice (TRIPP) model for Sports Injury Prevention in Flanders. Thanks to the satisfying results of the latter project and my doctoral research, I obtained a postdoctoral grant for the project entitled ‘Societal Valorization: Optimization, Implementation and Evaluation of Primary Sports Injury Prevention in Young Flemish Athletes (2016-2018)’ from the Flemish Ministry of Sports. During this three-year fulltime postdoctoral position at Ghent University, I realized the optimization, implementation and feasibility testing of sports injury prevention on a nation-wide scale in Flanders. Over the past years, I have gained extensive experience in scientific presentations at international conferences, as well as valorization activities such as trainings and workshops. I co-supervised three PhD-students and served as jury member for several PhD defenses. Moreover, I actively participated in various sports-related advisory boards. To complement my scientific background regarding sports injury prevention with experience on the field, I worked from 2014 to 2018 as physical coach for Belgian professional football club KAA Gent. I have published 11 JCR articles (5 as first author, 82% in first quartile) and 1 book chapter since 2010. According to Web of Science, these publications were cited +200 times. I am currently working as lecturer and researcher at Loyola University (Andalucía - Spain). Among other projects, I am developing the physical activity module for an mHealth intervention ‘e-Perinatal’ led by Prof. Emma Motrico and funded by the European Research Council.
Publicación |
Risk of acute and overuse injuries in youth elite soccer players: Body size and growth matter Rommers, Nikki , Rossler, Roland , GOOSSENS, LENNERT, Vaeyens, Roel , Lenoir, Matthieu , Witvrouw, Erik , D'Hondt, Eva 01/03/2020 Article |
Injury prevention in physical education teacher education students: Lessons from sports. A systematic review GOOSSENS, LENNERT, De Ridder, Roel , Cardon, Greet , Witvrouw, Erik , Verrelst, Ruth , De Clercq, Dirk 01/02/2019 Review |
Age and maturity related differences in motor coordination among male elite youth soccer players Rommers, Nikki , Mostaert, Mireille , GOOSSENS, LENNERT, Vaeyens, Roel , Witvrouw, Erik , Lenoir, Matthieu , D'Hondt, Eva 17/01/2019 Article |
Incidence and risk factors of injuries and their impact on academic success: A prospective study in PETE students Bliekendaal, S. , GOOSSENS, LENNERT, Stubbe, J. H. 01/12/2017 Article |
Development and optimization of an injury prevention intervention for physical education teachers Vercruysse, Sien , De Clercq, Dirk , GOOSSENS, LENNERT, Aelterman, Nathalie , Haerens, Leen 01/03/2017 Article |
Get Fit 2 Sport: Primaire sportletselpreventie bij jonge sporters in Vlaanderen GOOSSENS, LENNERT, Vercruysse, Sien , Haerens, Leen , De Clercq, Dirk 01/01/2017 Article |
Effects of a multifactorial injury prevention intervention in physical education teachers: A randomized controlled trial Vercruysse, Sien , Haerens, Leen , Verhagen, Evert , GOOSSENS, LENNERT, De Clercq, Dirk 01/10/2016 Article |
Musculoskeletal injuries in physical education versus non-physical education teachers: a prospective study GOOSSENS, LENNERT, Vercruysse, Sien , Cardon, Greet , Haerens, Leen , Witvrouw, Erik , De Clercq, Dirk 17/06/2016 Article |
A multifactorial injury prevention intervention reduces injury incidence in Physical Education Teacher Education students GOOSSENS, LENNERT, Cardon, G. , Witvrouw, E. , Steyaert, A. , De Clercq, D. 02/04/2016 Article |
Lower eccentric hamstring strength and single leg hop for distance predict hamstring injury in PETE students GOOSSENS, LENNERT, Witvrouw, E. , Vanden Bossche, L. , De Clercq, D. 04/07/2015 Article |
The role of hip abductor and external rotator muscle strength in the development of exertional medial tibial pain: a prospective study Verrelst, Ruth , Willems, Tine Marieke , De Clercq, Dirk , Roosen, Philip , GOOSSENS, LENNERT, Witvrouw, Erik 01/11/2014 Article |
Sports injuries in physical education teacher education students GOOSSENS, LENNERT, Verrelst, R. , Cardon, G. , De Clercq, D. 01/08/2014 Article |
Hoe ontwikkelen en optimaliseren we een motiverend programma voor blessurepreventie bij leerkrachten LO? Vercruysse, Sien , Haerens, Leen , De Clercq, Dirk , GOOSSENS, LENNERT 01/01/2014 Article |
Efficacy of a Physical Education Teacher Education-inherent Injury Prevention Program GOOSSENS, LENNERT, Cardon, Greet , Witvrouw, Erik , De Clercq, Dirk 01/01/2014 Article |
Sportblessures in De Lichamelijke Opvoeding: Is Preventie Een Noodzaak? De Clercq, Dirk , GOOSSENS, LENNERT, Cardon, Greet 01/01/2010 Article |
Proyecto |
e-Perinatal: Universal prevention of maternal mental disorders and its implementation as normalized routine practice Project 01/01/2023 Amount: 275000 € |