Spanish Classes


During the first week of the welcome session here at Loyola, you will receive free, intensive Spanish language and culture courses. Before beginning classes, you will take a Spanish language level test so that we can properly place you in the group that best fits your level.

Throughout your stay at the Universidad Loyola, you will also be able to take other Spanish courses that will help you improve your level and get the most out of your academic exchange. The language courses at Loyola Andalucía University are directed by Loyola Idiomas

10-hour intensive Spanish course

We offer a 10-hour intensive Spanish course which is worth a total of 1 ECTS for all international students at the beginning of their stay in Spain providing them with a survival kit enabling them to begin this exciting journey.

30-hour extensive Spanish course

To complement this intensive course we offer a 30-hour extensive Spanish language course at various levels which is worth a total of 3 ECTS depending on the requirements of the home institution. See the syllabi below for more information about the contents of these courses.

30-hour extensive Spanish course + 10-hour intensive Spanish course is worth a total of 4 ECTS


19. Culture workshops

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